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Facts about MJ


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Some cool Facts about the King of Pop.....

Michael Jackson has been able to sing before he could crawl. He was famous by the age of 10 and since then he has been a very popular singer and dancer. And ohh those moves...I haven't seen anyone that can dance like Michael. I don't think there is anyone that can. Don't you just love the moonwalk? Well...my point is that I don't think you can meet anyone at all that hasn't heard of the very famous Michael Jackson.


Alot of people undestimate and judge Michael before they have even met him. That really gets me mad cuz Michael isn't anything by nice to everyone. Don't critisize anyone by what they look like or their skin colour. Ok, let me get to the facts:
1. Michael hates eating, shopping, interviews and tabloids.
2. Paris calls MJ's elephant PuPu
3. The father of 3T is Tito
4. Every Sunday. Mike doesn't eat a thing and he dances for hours
5. Michaels pant size is 29 slim
6. Michael's shoe size is either 8 or 9. I forget.
7. Michael says I love you more when you tell him you love him.
8. The first thing he ever sung in front of an audience was Climb Every Mountain in front of the school in Kindergarten.
9. 2 of Michael's favourite TV shows are Malcomm in the Middle and the Simpsons.
10. Michael puts Prince to sleep by singing and dancing.

Common Sense.....lol  (by the way if you didn't know lol means laugh out loud)

Name: Michael Joseph Jackson (der...)
Nicknames: Smelly, DooDoo, Never-neverLand, Mick and Mike.
Date of Birth: 29th August 1958
Famous For: Being a very talented singer

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